Performance & Disciplinary Policy

ELEKproTEK Performance & Disciplinary Policy

1. Purpose

ELEKproTEK is committed to maintaining high standards of professionalism, performance, and accountability. This policy outlines expectations for employee performance and the disciplinary process for addressing misconduct or underperformance.

2. Performance Expectations

  • Employees are expected to consistently meet job performance standards.
  • Key performance areas include **technical skills, job efficiency, customer service, teamwork, and compliance with company policies**.
  • Performance is reviewed **annually**, with opportunities for salary adjustments and promotions based on results.

3. Annual Performance Reviews

  • Employees will receive a **yearly performance evaluation** based on predefined metrics.
  • Evaluations consider **work quality, technical knowledge, attendance, customer feedback, and teamwork**.
  • Performance reviews determine **salary increases, bonuses, and promotion eligibility**.

4. Disciplinary Actions

ELEKproTEK follows a structured disciplinary process to ensure fairness and consistency when addressing employee misconduct or underperformance.

4.1 Progressive Disciplinary Process

  • Verbal Warning: Issued for minor infractions or first-time offenses.
  • Written Warning: Formal documentation of continued or serious issues.
  • Final Warning: If previous warnings do not resolve the issue, a final notice is issued.
  • Suspension: Temporary unpaid leave for severe or repeated violations.
  • Termination: Dismissal from employment for major policy violations.

4.2 Examples of Misconduct

  • Failure to meet performance expectations or productivity goals.
  • Unprofessional behavior, including **insubordination or workplace conflict**.
  • Excessive tardiness or absenteeism without proper notice.
  • Safety violations, including **failure to wear PPE or comply with site safety rules**.
  • Theft, fraud, or misuse of company property.
  • Harassment, discrimination, or inappropriate workplace behavior.
  • Violations of ELEKproTEK’s **Drug & Alcohol Policy**.

4.3 Immediate Termination Offenses

  • Serious safety violations leading to potential harm or damage.
  • Acts of violence, threats, or workplace harassment.
  • Intentional falsification of time records, work reports, or expenses.
  • Theft or destruction of company property.
  • Unauthorized disclosure of confidential company or customer information.
  • Working under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

5. Employee Improvement Plans (EIP)

  • Employees who fail to meet performance standards may be placed on a **Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)**.
  • PIP includes **specific goals, deadlines, and additional training** to help the employee improve.
  • Failure to show progress within the **designated improvement period** may result in disciplinary action.

6. Attendance & Punctuality Policy

  • Employees must report to work on time and adhere to scheduled work hours.
  • Repeated tardiness or **failure to notify management of absences** may result in disciplinary action.
  • Unapproved absences exceeding **three consecutive workdays** may be considered job abandonment.

7. Employee Conduct & Expectations

  • All employees must act **professionally and respectfully** at all times.
  • Employees must follow **company policies and procedures** at all times.
  • Team members are expected to work **collaboratively** and maintain a **positive work environment**.

8. Appeals & Dispute Resolution

  • Employees have the right to dispute disciplinary actions they believe are unjustified.
  • Appeals must be submitted in writing to **management or HR** within **5 business days** of receiving disciplinary action.
  • ELEKproTEK will review all disputes fairly and may **modify or uphold disciplinary actions based on findings**.

9. Terms & Compliance

  • This policy will be reviewed annually and updated as needed to ensure **compliance with industry and legal standards**.
  • Employees are required to comply with all aspects of this policy as a condition of employment.

Acknowledgment & Agreement

I, [Employee Name], acknowledge that I have read, understood, and agree to the terms of ELEKproTEK’s Performance & Disciplinary Policy.

Employee Signature: _______________________

Date: _______________________