Sexual Harassment Policy

ELEKproTEK Sexual Harassment Policy

1. Purpose

ELEKproTEK is committed to maintaining a safe, respectful, and inclusive work environment, free from sexual harassment and discrimination. This policy outlines unacceptable behaviors, reporting procedures, and disciplinary actions to ensure all employees feel valued and protected.

2. Definition of Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment includes **unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature** that:

  • Creates a **hostile or offensive work environment**.
  • Interferes with an employee’s **work performance**.
  • Is used as a **basis for employment decisions**, such as hiring, promotions, or terminations.

3. Examples of Sexual Harassment

  • Unwanted **physical contact** such as touching, hugging, or inappropriate gestures.
  • Sexually **suggestive comments, jokes, or innuendos**.
  • Repeated **requests for dates** or sexual favors after being declined.
  • Displaying **sexually explicit materials** in the workplace.
  • Sending inappropriate **texts, emails, or messages** with sexual content.
  • Retaliation against an employee who has reported harassment.

4. Reporting Sexual Harassment

  • Employees should report incidents **immediately** to their **supervisor, HR, or designated company representative**.
  • Reports can be made **in writing or verbally** and will remain **confidential** to the extent possible.
  • Anonymous reports may be submitted through **[insert company reporting system or email]**.
  • No employee will face **retaliation** for reporting harassment in good faith.

5. Investigation & Resolution

  • All reports will be taken **seriously** and investigated **promptly**.
  • Investigations will include **interviews with the complainant, accused, and relevant witnesses**.
  • Findings will be documented, and appropriate **corrective actions** will be taken.
  • If allegations are substantiated, disciplinary measures may include **warnings, suspension, or termination**.

6. Retaliation Prohibition

  • ELEKproTEK strictly prohibits **retaliation** against any employee who reports sexual harassment or participates in an investigation.
  • Employees found guilty of retaliation may face **disciplinary action, up to and including termination**.

7. Employee Responsibilities

  • All employees must **treat coworkers with respect** and **maintain a professional workplace**.
  • Employees are required to complete **annual training on harassment prevention**.
  • Managers and supervisors must ensure their teams **adhere to this policy** and take action if harassment occurs.

8. Disciplinary Actions

Employees found guilty of sexual harassment may face the following consequences:

  • Verbal or Written Warning – For first-time minor offenses.
  • Suspension – Temporary removal from duties.
  • Termination – Immediate dismissal for serious or repeated offenses.
  • Legal Consequences – Harassment may be reported to law enforcement if necessary.

9. Terms & Compliance

  • This policy is reviewed **annually** and updated as needed to comply with **local, state, and federal laws**.
  • Employees must comply with this policy as a **condition of employment**.

10. Acknowledgment & Agreement

I, [Employee Name], acknowledge that I have read, understood, and agree to the terms of ELEKproTEK’s Sexual Harassment Policy.

Employee Signature: _______________________

Date: _______________________